Hyde Road - Follow the woman

From Create Your Own Story

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You can't simply forget this woman, you feel compelled to pursue it, in a way you have never felt compelled before. You begin a purpose filled walk across the road, a hand grips your shoulder, it's Jack. "What are you doing, Hart?"

"You know very well what I am doing, Jack!" You don't feel you need to explain yourself to him.

"Yes, yes, I do know. You are pathetic, Hart. You plan to be all charming and convince her of what? You don't think there is a future there, do you?" Jack begins to raise his voice as he continues his lecture, "I'll tell you what you want, Hart, you want what every man wants of a woman like that, to fuck her, that's all you want." You can see the veins in his temple throbbing as he his voice reaches a crescendo. "Hell, Hart, when I saw her I also wanted to take her to my dungeon and do very bad things to her, but we have things to do, Hart, things..." Jacks speech ends abruptly as your fist lands squarely in his face and he crumples to his knees on the floor.

"Jack, I am going to do what I want to do." You hiss at him through gritted teeth.

Jack looks up at you wiping a some blood from the corner of his lip and chuckles. "Is that the way you want it, Hart." There is something sinister in his voice as he says it. "Fine, you do what you want, but I'll be here, Hart. I'll be here watching, waiting, and don't you forget, Hart, we have unfinished business."

You give him a kick in the stomach and he doubles over, your hand tightens around the handle of bag as you turn around continuing across the road in the direction of the Hotel.

You walk up the steps, the Royal Rose is the oldest building in the town and its stone steps have seen their share of snow days, there is a shovel leaning against the wall to the left of the door, but it looks like the groundsman has given up trying to clear the walkway for the evening with the snow coming down quickly now.

You push the door to the wind lobby open and walk inside, as it swings closed the whistling of the wind is shut out. Another pair of glass doors is before you, and the long legs in black stockings and green coat is standing just on the other side of it. She is saying something to the graying man standing on the other side of the reception counter at the far end of the foyer. You put you hand on the door handle and push it open.

In that moment she takes a step to the right and her foot slips on the wet floor, without giving it much thought you lunge forward dropping your bag and grabbing her as she falls backwards. You arrest her fall with ease.

You share a brief moment, with your arms wrapped around her waist and her shoulders supported against your chest, she looks up at you. Perhaps it's a nothing more than a look of gratitude but your eyes lock for just an instant. A brown curl of hair sits gently on her cheek, you can smell her hair, the scarf around it out of place from the fall.

You help her back to her feet and she turns to face you, saying "Thank you," in a clearly unnerved voice. Her cheeks gain a bit of colour. Your scarf is hanging loosely off your shoulder and unconsciously you fix it, your hands becoming clammy. Standing in front of her so closely, you take in all the fine details of her face. Looking into he eyes the lines of cobalt and cerulean blended in her iris into a beautiful flower, her large pupil transfixing you. You feel a strong urge to pull her toward you and kiss her, your heart races.

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