Hyde Road - The hotel is too expensive

From Create Your Own Story

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It's just too expensive, you aren't going to spend that kind of money just for a bed for the evening.

"Sorry, I was just leaving," you tell him in reply, you feel a little embarrassed, although it's really not something you should have to feel bad for. You feel your cheeks becoming a little warm. You turn around back toward the lobby doors. There is a man entering the hotel through the first pair of glass doors, a tall man with broad shoulders wearing a dark blue coat, a gray scarf, a broadly brimmed hat and he is carrying an old leather bag. He looks somewhat familiar but you can't place it. You open the door and let him through, he smiles at you and nods. There is something warm and inviting about his smile, he has attractive dark eyes and short dark hair. You feel your cheeks flush, fortunately your scarf is covering your ears otherwise you are sure they would be a obvious shade of red.

He continues past you over to the reception desk. You can't help but watching him as he walks across the stone floors. There is just something so masculine about the walk, each heavy step of his hard heel on the floor feels like it echoes in your head in a memorizing fashion, causing your heart to race a little. You blink a few times as he starts to talk with the gentleman standing behind the desk.

Your hand is still holding the door open, and the weight of the closer reminds you that you where on your way out, you step into the wind lobby. Your mind still thinking of the man behind you. You can't recall ever having such an intense attraction to someone before, and it makes you feel somewhat uneasy. A part of you is eagerly wanting you to follow these feelings, not that you have any idea about how to go about it. You look over your shoulder, he is still talking at the front desk. Why does life throw you these curve balls you ask yourself?

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