Hyde Road - Try the pass

From Create Your Own Story

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The snow is coming down thickly, and you can't shake the nagging feeling that driving through the pass this evening is a bad idea, but you have the interview tomorrow. It's not in your nature to take risks but you have been in this industry for close to four years now and an opportunity like this has been really hard to come by.

If you are going to do this, you need to head out now. You down the rest of you drink and put the paper down on the edge of the table. You scratch around in your bag and pull out your car keys. Standing up you collect your coat-dress hanging over the back of the chair opposite you and put it on. It is a stylish deep teal, you bought it at the end of season sale a couple of years back, but it has been one of your favorite since. You fasten the large buckle on the front, the young man behind the counter looks up at you briefly, as you walk to the exit. You wrap your scarf around your hair, the snow flakes falling in clumps behind the door.

You make a quick dash toward your car, you could swear it has gotten colder since you arrived. Hopping quickly into your car you turn it on and immediately put the heat on to full. You clear the windscreen of all the recently gathered snow with the wipers. You can see the vapor on your breath as you wait for the temperature in the car to increase. Opening the glove compartment, you grab your leather gloves, the steering wheel is a little cold, and you slip them into your hands. The radio comes on, local station playing pop music, it's a song you haven't heard before. You back your car out and head out of town.

Two Streets down and you see the sign post pointing to Hyde Road Pass, you turn the corner. Just up ahead you see the well lit sign of a petrol station clearly through the falling snow, you had pulled in there on your way in and your petrol tank is full. Just past that is the sign for a run down motel, the last building before you head up into the hills. The sun is setting below the the heavy clouds, gold, orange and pink streaks, painted with dark dappled grey areas, the last rays glistening off the falling flakes. The street lamps all onto continuing a little beyond the town.

As you drive past the motel it strikes you that this is your last chance to change your mind.

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