Mos/I'm a teacher!

From Create Your Own Story

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You turn your head to the direction of the voice after revealing your identity as a teacher. You're met with a lazy-looking, male face staring at you. You recognize as the person in charge of the school's infirmary - Jin Sagami. A brief, tense silence passes before he finally speaks again.

"A teacher, huh?" he says, squinting at you. It seems like he doesn't believe what you're saying.

"I'm a new teacher at this academy!" you add, bringing out your staff ID card for him to see. Jin observes your card for a few seconds before laughing nervously.

"Sorry about that, we're just a little suspicious because-" he says, before you interrupt him.

"Because of the trespassing cases, right?" you say.

Even before you applied to be a teacher at Yumenosaki, you heard rumors about the school. You heard that Yumenosaki's idol-students are ridiculously popular. Unfortunately for their fans, the school doesn't allow outsiders to visit them unless it involves something major. The more passionate fans don't let this rule stop them from trying to break into school grounds. Thus, if someone unfamiliar like you was suddenly sighted within the academy, he or she would definitely be suspected as an intruder.

What do you do next?

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