AOTC: Anakin Skywalker: Ask the Council for advice on Padmé

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Anakin Skywalker

In the face of the prospect of seeing Padmé again, this time as a grown man, you suddenly feel like a lost little boy on Tatooine. Without realizing it, your feet carry you up to the door of the High Council Chamber, and before you can think it through, you open the door and step into the circular convocation chamber. Twelve Jedi Masters look up in polite expectation, among them Grand Master Yoda and the intense Mace Windu.

"Masters," you stammer.

Yoda shifts in his seat contemplatively. "Your new assignment, your Master shared with you?" he asks.

"Yes, Master. I'm to protect the Senator of Naboo."

"Friends you were, hmm?" Yoda says. "Friends she needs, in these uncertain times. But attachment," the sage Master warns, "forbidden. A path to the dark side it is, unless mastered."

"I won't fail her," you say, steel in your tone, but your voice falters as images of your mother's pained face flash behind your eyes. "Only I..."

"Fear," comes a voice from behind you, "can freeze you." You turn to the exotic Togruta Master, Shaak Ti, newly-appointed to the Council. "You must trust in yourself to act when the moment requires it, Skywalker."

You study her patterned face, and the sweeping striped montrals curving from her head. "I can't let her down," you admit.

The Togruta smiles warmly, her dark, shining eyes penetrating you. "I believe I understand your plight, Padawan," she says, then turns to the rest of the Councilors. "If I may, I would like a moment to impart a lesson to our young protector here, before his assignment."

Master Windu inclines his shaven head. "Very well. Skywalker, you are to report to the senator's apartment with your Master tomorrow morning. Until then, heed Master Ti's advice. It might just save your life," he added wryly.

You bow again, and catch another warm smile from Shaak Ti as you make to depart.

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Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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