Wishful Thinking/She Wants To Come With You

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“In that case would you mind if I stay with you?” Amina asks, blushing slightly.

“Stay with me? You want to follow me around for the rest of the day, is that it?” You ask in turn, unsure whether you got it right.

“Actually I meant living with you for a while, if it’s not a problem. Right now I don’t have a place to stay, so I thought I could keep you company for some time.”

“Erm… that’s rather sudden…” You say, hesitating. Amina seems like a nice girl, but you know nothing about her.

“Oh, please!” She begs. “I won’t be a burden at all, I promise! I’ll help you with cleaning, cooking, and anything else I can, so please!”

“Well… I…” You say, still feeling uncertain about letting a total stranger live with you.

“Tell you what. How about I spend the day with you, and then you’ll decide, based on how much trouble I bring you, and how helpful I am. OK?”

“Sounds good.” You agree without giving it much thought.

“Great! Now I just need to get some clothes to replace the ones this fool destroyed.” She looks at the unconscious man with anger.

“And how are you going to pay for the clothes?” You inquire.

“Eh? Ah, yes, well, I don’t have any money, so I guess I’ll have to borrow some from you. But don’t worry, I’ll buy the cheapest available.” She quickly adds.

“What did I get myself into?” You groan loudly.

“Well, let’s go!” Amina says cheerfully and grabs you by the hand. She starts walking away, almost pulling you with her. When the two of you are out of the alleyway and back on the street you are a bit surprised to see hardly any living soul, and the few people present pay you no attention.

“Guess I’m lucky. With so few people here I won’t feel embarrassed because of my current ‘clothing’. Now let’s find a cheap clothes shop… What’s that?” Amina notices something on the ground and quickly moves over to pick it up.

“What did you find?”

“Looks like someone’s wallet.” She opens it and starts going through what’s inside. “Hmm, nothing that can tell us who the owner is. But a lot of cash – there are at least a few thousands here! Guess I won’t be buying the cheapest clothes after all.”

“You sure a lucky, Amina.”

“Yeah, today must be my lucky day. First you saved me, then there are no people to see me so I don’t feel embarrassed, and now I find.” She looks at you and tilts her head to the side. “Are you a guardian angel or something? An angel sent to watch over me?”

You laugh at her words. “No, I’m not. Sorry to disappoint you.”

“That’s alright. Now let’s go find a shop where I can buy new clothes.” Amina says and the two of you resume looking for a shop. You have completely forgotten that you were going to school…

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