Samantha Changes Katie on the Stage

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Nervous Apparel and Items: Soiled Diaper, Gown, Dressy Shoes
Day, Time Saturday, just before graduation ceremony
Need to Bathroom Relieved
Level of Humiliation Somewhat Humiliated

Katie was at the end of her speech, feeling an increasing sense of relief that no one had found her out. The audience had laughed at her few jokes, and had even looked engaged the entire time (as opposed to when their boring teachers had talked, although a few were clever enough to get positive reactions). The principle came onto the stage then, clapping his approval as he went to the mike.

"Thank you Katie for that wonderful speech! Now everyone!" he turned to talk to the audience. "Please sit back to enjoy the slideshow presentation."

Katie walked down the stage and took her seat in the front of the audience. A few people cringed from a bad smell, but no one was pointing fingers at her. Sitting back and relaxing, she watched four years worth of her class's memories flash by. She half expected that one of her adventures would be displayed, but most of her embarrassing situations weren't actually known to the main body of students. A lot of her incidents happened outside of school time and away from the building, there was a few bad memories from cheerleading, but those stories weren't uncommon at this school. After the general events and activities were done, it changed over to the student pictures themselves. Katie laughed with everyone else at the funny pictures taken for the yearbook along with the adorable and embarrassing baby photos. As the slideshow arrived at the "i", Katie waited for herself to show up on the big screen. Then it hit her. Her family didn't have baby pictures of her, her parents lost their photo albums during the move sophomore year when Katie arrived in town. She leaned over to the event coordinator Mrs. Shell sitting next to her.

"Did I... everyone have their photos in on time?" Katie asked.

"Yes your pictures are in Katie." Mrs. Shell reassured her with a smile. "Samantha made sure that everyone had their photos in! In fact she told me that she had to personally contact your family for the best baby picture! I can't wait to see you all small and cute!"

Katie's face was drained of blood as she looked back at the screen. The true horror of the situation was terribly revealed as her pictures showed up. The audience roared in laughter, harder than the entire night combined. Katie's face went red as her name "Katie Irenis" popped on screen with her goofy but happy school picture next to her baby picture. She recognized the photo, a little more than a year ago her family decided to role play from when Katie had been a toddler (but close enough to a baby such that they treated her like one). She had been forbidden to use the bathrooms in the house and was stripped of all her clothing for a full week! Even when they left the house! During that time all she had to wear was a diaper when she was allowed to have it!

On the big screen in front of the thousands of her classmates and their families was Katie's naked body in a diaper sitting in a high chair with spaghetti all over her face and chest. a few splotches of sauce covering her nipples. Katie remembered her mother splattering her with that food and taking a picture before she had a chance to clean herself. She looked ridiculous in the high chair, wearing next to nothing. Few of her classmates had even seen her in a bikini! How about sauce, noodles, and a diaper!? Only as the slide changed, her terror only worsened. The slide read bath-time as the crowd literally started dying from laughter around her. Two more damning photos were on the screen. The one on the left showed her embarrassingly large butt sticking up in the air as she climbed into the bath naked. The camera was pretty close, and from the angle and position of her legs at the time of the photo, even her little anus was visible. The second was even worse! It was front view, apparently from when Katie wasn't paying attention to her situation because it was a full frontal view of her sitting body. Full breasts, little nipples, and even the top of her rose bud was visible. She was covered in suds like a little child being cleaned. People were rolling around in their seats at the ridiculous display they were being treated to.

Suddenly, the younger and much more naked Katie on screen clutched at her gut and leaned slightly forward.

"What's wrong widdle Katie?" the voice of the video-taker asked in a taunting tone.

"I really need to use the toilet!" Katie yelled like a little girl, starting pull herself out of the tub in desperation.

"What!? Right after your bath? No you need to wait until I get your diaper back on! You don't even know how to use the big-girl toilet!" the female voice continued.

"But..." Katie looked up, finally realizing the presence of the camera.

"Hey! Turn it off!" Katie yelled, covering herself.

"I am recording this so we can laugh at this later! All the wonderful memories!"

"Oh no!" Katie groaned, doubling over in the tub, her head disappearing for a second below the lip.

Katie remembered what happened next as loud and unflattering noises honked over the loudspeakers. The camera moved then and revealed her laxative-induced accident in the bathtub. The crowd erupting in a wide range of outbursts.

Katie was experiencing the most embarrassing moments of her life... to be followed by an even worse one.

"Katie your a fucking baby!?" a guy yelled.

"She hasn't changed a day for years!" someone joked.

"Hey why don't you come over and play baby for me!" some pervert shouted.

Katie turned around in her seat and looked back at the crowd.

"I am not a baby!" Katie yelled, her face blood red.

"Prove it!" a girl challenged.

"I will!" Katie replied.

She didn't have a plan, she hoped to have one by the time she reached the stage where she would confront that bitch Samantha and the greater bitch Jill. They had nothing on her now. Only her plan was cut short when she arrived on stage, or rather ripped short, as her gown was torn off of her body from the hooks placed in it when Katie first sat down. Katie found herself now in only a diaper in REAL life in front of thousands of people who KNEW her! She crossed her arms to cover her breasts as the stinking, soiled diaper covered her privates, other than that her dressy shoes covering her feet. Then she heard Samantha's voice behind her on a mike.

"Awwwww, did Katie have an accident again?" she asked, her voice echoing through the auditorium.

Katie turned her body to face Samantha, but then froze, her head was dizzy from the quickness everything went to hell and her body was experiencing shock.

"Its okay! I brought your thing!" Samantha cheerful said as she walked up to Katie and split the sides of her diaper.

It fell to the stage with a slap from the weight of her accident. She heard gasping, more laughter, and shouts of outrage at the disgusting sight in front of them. Katie knew it looked bad, she didn't even get wiped before Samantha slapped on another diaper. But Katie had not only been seen in a diaper, but also buck naked with her soiled diaper very obviously on display. This was by far the most embarrassing moment of her life.

Samantha makes Katie Throw Her Soiled Diaper Away

Jill Comes on Stage to Have a Demonstration on the Importance of Discipline - She makes Katie an example of poor discipline, and punishes her probably. She also promotes the refounding of her daycare.

Katie Tears Her Diaper Off and Runs

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