Girl Scout Camp/Keep trying to sleep

From Create Your Own Story

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Again, you wrap your arms loosely around Zoe’s cuddled form and close your eyes. This time, as your about to fall asleep, you feel Zoe moving in your arms again. You can hear her quietly sobbing in your arms.

You sit up and slowly shake her awake. “Zoe… Zoe…” you whisper to her. “What’s wrong?”

“N… Nothing,” she sniffs. After a moment, she says “Everything! Nobody likes me. Even you don’t like me!” she accuses.

“Of course people like you,” you reassure her.

“What about you?” she responds. “I crawl into your bed at night and you just ignore me and go back to sleep!”

You try to explain, “What would it look like if I took advantage of a little gi--,”

“I’m not little!” she says forcefully. “I’m 14!”

“Shhh...” you say.

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