Girl Scout Camp/A girl is setting up a tent by herself

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< Girl Scout Camp
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As you're finishing up your rounds, you notice a tent that is being put up by only a single girl. You decide to walk over and see if everything is okay.

“Need any help?” you ask the young girl. She looks like one of the younger girls in the group, maybe around 13, barely 5 feet fall with a petite build and short dark brown hair.

“Not really,” you hear her say as she gets the last of the anchors down in the ground. “Thanks for asking, though. My name is Zoe.”

You introduce yourself and then ask, “Who is your partner?”

The smile fades from her face as she turns away. “I don’t have one,” she says quietly. “Our family just moved here. It’s not like everyone hates me, but everyone already has a best friend to camp with. When everyone got done pairing up, I was left by myself.”

You’re a little surprised that nobody offered to go three to a tent, but maybe the tents are too small. Or maybe they really don’t like her. That last thought keeps you from saying anything, so you try reassurance instead. “You won’t be in your tent very long anyway. Most of the camp will be out having fun with the rest of the troop. And there won’t be anyone to wake you up in the middle of the night,” you joke at her.

You see a smile return to her face. “You’re right. Someone had to be by themselves, right?” she says.

“And if you do need anything at night, my tent is right over there,” you point out.

“Thanks,” she says.

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