Draw your weapons and prepare to fight

From Create Your Own Story

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You draw your revolver in your left hand and your sword in your right. Taking aim at the nearest skeleton, you fire, your exceptional wrist strength enabling you to easily handle the recoil from shooting a large-caliber weapon one-handed. The expertly aimed bullet makes a large hole in the center of its skull, but it keeps coming. A feeling of dread washes over you as you fire twice more in desperation. Your firepower has now destroyed the skull completely and the now headless skeleton crashes to the stone floor of the tomb. Three more shots destroy the next skeleton's skull, but there are still at least twenty more skeletons coming at you.

Knowing you have neither the bullets nor the time to keep fighting the skeletons this way, you ignore your pouch of ammunition and throw down your empty revolver, instead wielding your sword in a confident grip, the muscles in your big forearm rippling with power as you hold your weapon tightly. You back slowly away towards the narrower part of the tunnel so that only a few of the monsters can attack you at once.

Suddenly, a skeleton hurls a spear at you and you duck just in time. Picking up the spear, you hurl it back at the skeleton. Your powerful throw sends the weapon straight through its spine, shattering it and causing the skeleton to crumple in a pile of bones.

Then more spears come flying at you and it's all you can do to duck or dodge each one. The razor-sharp tip of one grazes your left upper arm, ripping your blouse. You yelp in pain as you feel it rip your skin as well, but keep your focus on the fight, knowing it's just a minor wound. With a no-handed cartwheel, you dodge the final spear, it flying harmlessly between your legs as you are upside down. Landing neatly on your booted feet, you begin fighting the skeletons hand-to-hand, using your sword to decapitate them or simply hack them into bits.

In a long, grinding fight, you slice and dice your way through the skeletons, taking advantage of the fact that only a few can reach you at a time thanks to the narrowness of the tunnel at your chosen fighting point. With the final skeleton, you simply perform a backflip kick on it, kicking its bony head clean off. The headless creature stands ramrod straight for a moment, then collapses. You let out a high-pitched warrior cry that echoes throughout the chamber.

You pick up your revolver and reload it, then sheath your sword as your heart rate slowly returns to normal. You examine the shattered remnants of the skeletons, trying to find some clue to the magic of their animation from the dead, but there is nothing visible that would distinguish them from ordinary skeletons. You look around, then listen carefully. There is no sound except that of your own faint breathing.

You know it is too dangerous to continue deeper into the tomb without more powerful weapons and backup from companions. If these skeletons were just the door guards, who knows what more powerful dangers lurk deeper in the tomb? You make your way back towards the exit and climb up the rope ladder. Your trusty camel is there, waiting patiently. Mounting the animal, you ride back towards Cairo.

As you make your way back towards town, you get the feeling that you are being watched or followed, even though you are completely alone in the desert. Every time you turn around, there is nothing there, but still, you can't shake the feeling. It is as if the spirit in the tomb, whoever or whatever it is, knows you have violated it and killed some of its skeleton guardians...and it wants revenge.

You shake your head. You're letting your imagination run wild. Still, you feel a sense of relief when you see the outskirts of the city draw near.

Back at the hotel, as you watch the sun set, you wonder if you should try to stay awake, at least for part of the night, just in case, even though you are quite tired.

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