From Azuwiki
The Distre Governing System, or DGS for short, is a bureaucratic reform first instituted by Prince Heral Xang I.
kg1Y9T Can be also this issue because the truth can be achieved only in a dispute :D
[edit] Nomenclature
Every station begins with the initialism DGS, followed by a dash and a number-letter designation. The numbers (0-99) relate to the district number, usually in a circular spiral patter fanning out from Rial. The letter after it (A-Z) refers to the subdistrict position. Say, random district 21 has three Governance Stations to deal with its population and spread. The designation for them would be DGS-21A, DGS-21B, and DGS-21C, in order of when they were established. Every station has a letter designation. Even if a territory only has one station, the letter (A) is there to allow for ease of paperwork and restructuring should more be needed.
Head district bureau buildings are given designations starting with DGSB, or Distre Governing System Bureau. This is follow by the letter A, B, or C - each correlating to the territory (Eastern, Southern, and Western respectively) that the Bureau heads. They act as the overall and direct thrupoint from Rial (and the Prince) to the system.
[edit] Examples Given
- DGS-01B, located outside of Rial
- DGS-44A, the head district station for the Nordu Pont area
- DGS-61A, the head district station for the Gaul Ga area
- DGS-11C, station inside of Axium
- DGSB-B, located in Sehn, and home to the Duke of the Southern Territory